Home > Artworks > alfredo mompó roca

Photo of alfredo mompó roca Spain

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MOMP Alfredo Roca was born in Xativa (Valencia).

Your child is developing between the "Civil War" and "Boomers" are hard times and scarcity. Develops his artistic career with his father, a sculptor, and his initiation is done as normal, designs, under his...

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25.59 x 31.89 in
31.89 x 39.37 in
25.59 x 31.89 in
25.59 x 31.89 in
31.89 x 39.37 in
14.96 x 18.11 in
15.75 x 19.69 in
31.89 x 39.37 in
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MOMP Alfredo Roca was born in Xativa (Valencia).

Your child is developing between the "Civil War" and "Boomers" are hard times and scarcity. Develops his artistic career with his father, a sculptor, and his initiation is done as normal, designs, under his tutelage. Later, enter the Francisco School of Design Climent, where he will continue his studies of drawing plaster in the traditional manner. The influence of this teacher and tables referred to in your home, local painters, Lajara and Perales, all very colorful Impressionism in Valencia, arouse interest in color, which decided his vocation. It then made contact with the "landscape." From this period, Ermita de San José, Xàtiva from Ball Road ", etc.

Together with a group of young painters, founded the "Group Sait", where you will practice drawing from life. Entered the School of Fine Arts of San Carlos de Valencia, garnering numerous awards, (Grant and Roig Foundation Award, among others). Finish the race earning the title of Professor of Drawing.

In 1955 he moved to Madrid, where he fixed his residence, this is where many studies made of the classical masters in Velásquez particular and contemporary masters, including the painter "Pancho" Cossio, for whom he admired. In this period paint cutting works "expressionist", The Shanty (Ventas, Madrid), Girl with horse, espadrilles and margaritas, etc. All in private collections.

In 1957, he returned to Xativa, where he will assume the position of Professor of Drawing at the Vocational School, beginning his teaching career. Opposition gets free by the Chair of the Media Institute in Albacete, where he moved and come into contact with the painters of the earth. Start here solo exhibitions at these follow those of Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and many cities in Spain and Europe.

The painter has two studios, where he did his work.

Mompó Roca\'s work. One is in numerous public and private collections. There have been many galleries that have spread their work. Study Room and Verona in Albacete, Segrelles Gallery, Pizarro and Lloscos Gallery, Art Gallery of the Corte Ingles in Valencia, Castellón Enarr and Trass, Xavi Mediterranean Gallery, the gallery Moraira Art investment Lion, Art-Larre in Vitoria, Galeria San Jorge in Alcoy, Verona and Infantas Gallery in Madrid, Jaimes Gallery and Gallery of Corte Inglés Diagonal in Barcelona, Terra-Ferma in Lleida, Tarragona Harriman Gallery, Roc Minue, Art Fame and Gallery-Corte Ingles Avda de Roussillon in Palma de Mallorca.

Has attended numerous competitions collective Centenary Memorial (1st Prize), National Competitions 1960-62, where the art critic Vicente Ballester Tails ABC points out in describing it as "serious painter of colorful." National Alicante and Logroño, 1961-63. In Valencia in the flagship award. European Artists Collective in EverGEN, Belgium, etc..

In its literature, notably their participation, along with prominent figures in painting, literature and politics, America and Spain, with his "Peace on Earth" to the Book of Peace, led by journalist Joaquín Soler Serrano edited by Hispavista for TVE

Also listed as a painter in the dictionaries Biographical Contemporary Art Gazette, etc. Finally you can see his work in the following galleries: Turner Gallery, Paris, and Gallery Jh. Hülsmeier, Osnnabruc, among others.

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